This procedure covers the methods to identify the conformal coating so that the ideal removal method can be identified and utilized, then presents a commonly-employed removal procedure with brief summaries
Powerful Cleaning & Greater Safety All At a Great Price! Companies across industries are turning to Techspray as a replacement for expensive and difficult to find solvents, like those including 3M Novec
Plastics and elastomers are great electrical insulators. By default, they just don’t conduct electricity in their unaltered bulk material state. The vast majority of the ESD-safe (or static-dissipative)
If you work in the engine MRO shop, you know the struggle of tearing down an engine and cleaning its components. Even with proper care and maintenance, engines get dirty. Really dirty. Besides the effort
Oxygen is vital to sustaining life, but the benign gas we breathe has the potential to become lethal in concentrated form. Each year, workers are harmed and killed by high-energy-yielding reactions resulting
June 2022 – In the report “Perchloroethylene Draft Revised Unreasonable Risk Determination for Public Comment”, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) resolved that the solvent
The technological breakthroughs in the field of power electronics have transformed the automotive, military, and defense industries. Particularly, the reliance of the aerospace industry on electronic systems
Electronic systems in commercial, automotive, and military sectors have increased immensely over the last two decades due to technological advancements. With this increased dependency on electronics, it
With the rapid advancement in electronics technology, the dimensions of PCBs are shrinking whereas the signal rates are rising continuously. The twin demands require manufacturing high-density PCBs while
One of the dirtiest parts of a jet is the engine which is not much of a surprise. Engines have come a long way since the dawn of the jet age but they still produce a lot of carbon. Carbon is, of course,