A degreaser is a cleaner designed to remove grease, oil, cutting fluids, corrosion inhibitors, handling soils, fingerprints, and other contamination common in assembly, stamping, metal fabrication, refineries, motor repair, airplane hangars, and many other applications. Degreasers have different names, including precision cleaner, maintenance cleaner, and, specific for automotive repair, carb cleaner or brake cleaner.
Techspray offers a variety of solvents, industrial degreasers, and water-based cleaners that allow you to match the right products for your cleaning needs. Maintenance cleaners remove oil and contaminants from metal parts, printed circuit boards, barcode instruments, switch boxes, gear boxes, and engines.
Techspray has produced Blue Shower maintenance cleaners for over 30 years, making Blue Shower a staple in maintenance departments all over the world! Techspray offers a range of solvents and water-based cleaners and industrial degreasers that allow customers to find the right products for their cleaning needs. Choosing a strong, high-quality cleaner saves time and money. Grease and oil flow right off, reducing the time and materials needed to scrub off stubborn soils. Our industrial-strength products are available in both spray degreaser and bulk packaging options.
For more information, check out our The Expert’s Guide to Degreasers & Maintenance Cleaners.
Every organization using hazardous chemicals within their facility has the responsibility to equip their facility and personnel to maintain exposure levels below the TLV. Personal monitoring badges can be used to measure exposure of a specific material. Then, depending on the threshold limit and the application, exposure can be controlled with PPE like masks, face shields, respirators, and even coveralls. If they don’t reduce exposure below the recommended limit, you will need to consider a special ventilation hood or even containment booth. As you can see, as the exposure limit gets down to a certain level, the equipment required to safely use the solvent can get impractical. At that point, your best option is to consider a safer alternative.